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Louise Rösler

Painter (female), Design draughtswoman and Draughtswoman

1907 in Berlin
1993 in Hamburg

9 Works by Louise Rösler


Lived in Weimar 1916-23. In 1923 attended the private art school of Hans Hofmann, Munich. 1925-27 Hochschule für Bildende Künste, Berlin, under Karl Hofer and others. Lived in Paris 1926-32, working at the Académie Moderne under Fernand Léger. Travelled to southern France, Italy, and Spain. Married Walter Kröhnke. 1943 evacuated to Königstein (Taunus). In 1950 began exhibiting at the Frankfurt gallery of Hanna Bekker vom Rath. 1953 co-founder of the 'Frankfurt Secession' and member of the 'New Rhenish Secession'. 1959 returned to Berlin.

Persons connected to Louise Rösler

Groups and institutions Louise Rösler belongs to