Portrait of a Scholar, Quentin Massys
Quentin Massys
Portrait of a Scholar
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Willem van Haecht: Alexander der Große besucht die Werkstatt von Apelles, um 1630, Öl auf Holz, 76 x 114 cm, Verst. Sotheby, New York, 29.01.2010, Nr. 169

Willem van Haecht: Apelles malt Kampaspe, um 1630, Öl auf Holz, 104,9 x 148,7 cm, Inv.-Nr. 266, Mauritshuis, Den Haag

Quentin Massys

Portrait of a Scholar, ca. 1525 – 1530

68.8 x 53.3 x min. 1 cm
maximum depth
1.5 cm
Physical Description
Mixed technique on oak
Inventory Number
Acquired in 1829
Not on display


About the Work

The viewer is instantly present when the scholar looks up spontaneously from his reading. He raises his right hand, thus heightening his surprise at the knowledge he has just gained. The landscape in the background is typical of Antwerp painting during this period and recalls in its diversity the "world landscapes" of the early sixteenth century. Here, various elements such as mountains, seas, rivers and forests were assembled to create an idealised landscape representing the universe.

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