Schwarze Tafeln, Peter Roehr
Peter Roehr
Schwarze Tafeln
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Peter Roehr

Schwarze Tafeln, 1966

120 x 120 cm
Physical Description
Cardboard on aluminium sheet
Inventory Number
Acquired in 2008, half as a gift from Paul Maenz and half as a purchase made with generous support from the Marga and Kurt Möllgaard-Stiftung and Thorsten Fischer, property of Städelscher Museums-Verein e.V.
On display, lower level, Contemporary Art, room 3


About the Work

The ‘Black Panels’ depict and signify nothing more than the thirty-five small panels of which they each consist. They render visible the narrow ridge along which the concept of ‘painting’ has travelled since the early twentieth century. Peter Roehr’s work is indebted to an idea as simple as it is ingenious. It lines up identical found objects, unchanged, one beside the other; the artist never comes to the fore. He avails himself of a concept limited to the acts of selecting and entitling. This renunciation of meaning and personal style makes him one of the pioneers of the post-war vanguard.

About the Acquisition

Gallery owner Paul Maenz met Peter Roehr in the early 1960s at the Frankfurt advertising agency Young & Rubicam. In January 1968 they opened a head shop together which – according to its owners – sold “psychodelicacies with hippie paraphernalia”. Roehr, who had cancer, appointed Maenz to administer his estate. The acquisition of the ‘Black Boards’ represents one of the Museums-Verein’s most prominent contemporary art purchases and was made possible by the Marga und Kurt Möllgaard-Stiftung founded in 1987.


Kunst nach 1945: Peter Roehr
In unserer Filmreihe stellen wir Ihnen regelmäßig Werke aus der Sammlung „Kunst nach 1945" vor. In diesem Film spricht der Sammler und Galerist Paul Maenz über das 1966 entstandene Werk „Schwarze Tafeln" von Peter Roehr. Maenz verband mit dem Frankfurter Künstler bis zu dessen frühem Tod eine enge Freundschaft, er war ein wichtiger Förderer Peter Roehrs und verwaltet dessen Nachlass. Der Film behandelt die „Schwarzen Tafeln" und vermittelt zugleich einen Eindruck von der Künstlerpersönlichkeit Roehrs.

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