Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau), Francesco Primaticcio
Francesco Primaticcio
Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau)
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Francesco Primaticcio: Tanz der Horen, Deckenfresko. Château royal, Galerie d'Ulysse, zentrales Plafondbild, Fontainebleau (zerstört)


Jacob Bunel (zugeschrieben) nach Francesco Primaticcio: La ronde des heures, schwarzer Stift, gelb und ocker laviert, 540 x 477 mm. Inv. Nr. 8520, Musée du Louvre, Département des Arts graphiques, Paris

Francesco Primaticcio

Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau), ca. 1547 – 1548

max. 358 x max. 335 mm
max. 150 x max. 130 mm
Physical Description
Red chalk over a circular and oval marking (circular blind lines) and aid lines with red chalk, red and white washes, highlighted in white, framing line with black ink on all sides, on paper, irregularly pasted over in the middle, #? on blue mount with gilt frame from the collection of Pierre-Jean Mariette
Inventory Number
Object Number
615 Z
Can be presented in the study room of the Graphische Sammlung (special opening hours)

Work Data

Basic Information

Dance of the Hours (Sketch for the central plafond painting of the Galerie d'Ulysse in Fontainebleau)
Contractor, employer
Period Produced
Object Type
Physical Description
Red chalk over a circular and oval marking (circular blind lines) and aid lines with red chalk, red and white washes, highlighted in white, framing line with black ink on all sides, on paper, irregularly pasted over in the middle, #? on blue mount with gilt frame from the collection of Pierre-Jean Mariette
Geographic Reference
Production Reason
Captions Added Later
Bezeichnet unten rechts (mit der Feder in Braun): 24, Paraphe der Sammlung Pierre Crozat, Paris (Lugt 3612); auf dem Mariette-Passepartout unterhalb der Zeichnung (mit der Feder in Braun): Superiori parte fornicis deambulaeri ulyssei Fontebellaqueo depinxerat; darunter, in der Kartusche: FRANCISCuS | PRIMATICCIO; verso auf dem Montierungsbogen bezeichnet unten rechts (mit der Feder in Braun): primatice; links am Rand mittig: N° 24 (zum Teil beschnitten); links mittig (mit schwarzem Stift): poesie theologie; darüber eine Zahlenreihe
Unten links Stempel der Sammlung Pierre-Jean Mariette, Paris (Lugt 2097); verso auf dem Montierungsbogen Marke des Kunsthändlers Guillaume-Jean Constantin, Paris (Lugt 3000) mit eingestempelter Nummer 120, bezeichnet in der Kartusche (mit der Feder in Schwarz): f primatice | Collection | Mariette, St Maurice | et Joubert; Stempel des Städelschen Kunstinstituts, Frankfurt am Main (Lugt 2356), mit zugehöriger Inventarnummer
  • Nicht geprüft
Work Catalogues
  • Dimier 1900.466.215

Property and Acquisition

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main
Picture Copyright
Public Domain

Work Content


  • 92D2 Hours (Horae), Seasons
  • 92D1916 cupids: 'amores', 'amoretti', 'putti'
  • 43C9 dancing
  • 31AA25432 leading someone by the hand or wrist - AA - both arms or hands

Research and Discussion


Object History
Pierre Crozat (1665–1740), Paris
Nachlass Crozat, 1740
Verst. durch Pierre Jean Mariette (1694 –1774),, Paris and Pierre Jean Mariette, 10. April 1741
Nachlass Mariette, 1774
Verst. durch Basan, Paris, 15. November 1775
vermutl. Charles Paul Jean-Baptiste de Bourgevin Vialart de Saint-Morys (1743–1795), Paris und Hondainville
vermutl. Philippe-Laurent de Joubert, Baron de Sommières et de Montredon (1729–1792), Paris
Nachlass Joubert, 1792
Verst. durch Constantin & Poultier, Paris, 21. Januar 1793
vlt. Pierre Valery Lenoir
Verst. durch Regnault Delalande & Thierry, Paris, 13. Juli 1795
Guillaume Jean Constantin (1755–1816), Paris
Johann Friedrich Städel (1728–1816), Frankfurt am Main
Nachlass Johann Friedrich Städel, 1816.


Since 2001, the Städel Museum has systematically been researching the provenance of all objects that were acquired during the National Socialist period, or that changed owners or could have changed owners during those years. The basis for this research is the “Washington Declaration”, also known as the “Washington Conference Principles”, formulated at the 1998 “Conference on Holocaust-Era Assets” and the subsequent “Joint Declaration”.

The provenance information is based on the sources researched at the time they were published digitally. However, this information can change at any time when new sources are discovered. Provenance research is therefore a continuous process and one that is updated at regular intervals.

Ideally, the provenance information documents an object’s origins from the time it was created until the date when it found its way into the collection. It contains the following details, provided they are known:

  • the type of acquisition and/or the way the object changed hands
  • the owner's name and place of residence
  • the date on which it changed hands

The successive ownership records are separated from each other by a semicolon.

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